“Sequester” SOLD!!!
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- “Sequester” SOLD!!!

“Sequester” SOLD!!!
ME 2 1PEAKS ISLAND! “Sequester,” defined as a place for safe keeping.
No frills here; just a warm, safe, comfortable year round home, located off the beaten path. An open living dining area with hardwood floors, a simple galley kitchen, a bathroom with tub/shower and laundry and 2 modest sized bedrooms completes the picture. Nestled into over an acre of land, at a peaceful enclave of the island we Islander’s call the “Evergreen” area. “Sequester,” where simplicity and nature come together. Offered at $568,500. PRICE REDUCED TO $498,500
Contact Ralph Ashmore at (207) 766-2981 or ralph@ashmorerealty.com.
Google Earth Map: https://earth.google.com/earth/d/1bhfPXfyytZ3-YlHX-6ZCMGxqzYgxrucH?usp=sharing