Build on the Backshore SOLD!
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- Build on the Backshore SOLD!

Build on the Backshore SOLD!
5000 Sq Ft 3 bedrooms 1 bathroomOne of the last building lots on Peaks Island’s pristine “Backshore.” This 3/4 +/- acre lot has had all of the pre-work completed: surveys, drilled well & septic, underground utilities have all been installed and the site is ready to build. Owner received necessary permits and approvals. This particular site has the highest elevation and arguably one of the best views on Peaks Island’s beautiful “Backshore.” The sun and moon rises are unforgettable and the views are most spectacular.
More information and pictures available here.
This listing is SOLD. Contact Ralph for information on other available properties!
Please contact Ralph Ashmore at 207-766-2981